Wednesday, July 1, 2015

comics 101 . KUNG FURY . Pellek

Struggling to finish one damn page isn't a hassle, unless you have the same complex I have. Procrastination. Might as well hold onto it because I like doing it and its fun. Right now, in the comics I'm doing, on the inking process is page 8. Finishing each inking with the style I have is pretty absurd, sometimes I think its just easy-peasy, and majority of the times I'm too fucking annoyed at how long it takes me that in the end I scold myself. Strongly advising to not bitch around.

Fus-Ro-Da (or Hwatchah, which i prefer LOL)
But bitching around, not those tantrums, makes me enjoy the other stuff online. Like, sample, Kung Fury. That awesome 80's parody of famous action movies in that era. Complete with absurd martial arts moves and death defying satire of the movies that became attached to our kidneys that is the era of the 80's. I did not grow up in the 80's, I'm more of a 90's dude. And I swear its a good thing I still got the chance to experience the 80's goodness still lingering in those days.

The movie was good, honestly. Even though there were tons of absurd loop holes that should've been easy to point out, BUT the damn movie was that attention grabbing because of the absurdity that you won't even mind. Awesome production team, I mean, THEY ARE THE BOSS. They did so well that alot of people are giving good reactions and feed backs. Bias though, as I have yet to see a bad reaction towards the movie, still it is worth the 30 minutes. As alot of people say, the fucking short needs its full length feature.

On a side note I had to come back to reality and finish my damn page, so in lieu of my lack of motivation, I intend to fill it with awesome song covers like the ones from Pellek (TO HIS YT).

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