Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tamtam and the Update

These days I've stopped creating for my planned webcomics "Tamtam: Peaceful Days", and stopped editing the script for the first arc of the story. But I've come back to edit the story and soon plan on creating the drafts, by pencil, and just post it like that through my webcomics. Mayhaps it would make me successfully practice being a clean pencil artist for my art, and future projects. I could ink them at the same time, but I take ten years to ink, especially in projects that I have to leave them off for the while.

Being slow in the industry of creating my own story and comics is a bit dragging. I won't be sugar coating my sin by saying I'm not jealous of the people who've gone and succeeded in this line of life, but I'm not lying when I say that I get the same heights of inspiration even sometimes greater than my warped jealous self. Either way, the script is in an over haul of almost everything. From the dialogue to terms used, I'm decided as well to incorporate the irony of 'Baybayin' into my story as a language used by mythos like creatures more than modern society.

In the Philippines, there is a local language and alphabet called 'Alibata' or 'Baybayin' that has been used by our natives until the Spaniards came, as I recall or think...or remember. The alphabet isn't exactly dead, but majority of the citizens aren't even versed in it anymore, me included. My father is awesome with tagalog words, that makes me evidently proud about that skill of his. Considering if it IS a skill to completely know more tagalog than english.

Me incorporating 'Baybayin' as an ironic dead language in the universe of "Tamtam" is iconic, in a sense that I want to explore how I could string the world I've concocted and the reality I'm partially basing it from. Along with the fact that I'm introducing furry characters AND mythological representatives, completely based from original Pinoy mythology will be a big thing. Not that I'm following the trend in our comics industry, but I've always wondered how I can explore the stories I create with local fiction and mythological lore.

Filipino mythology is really fascinating, but in my growth as an adult, I've lost some of my fascination with the context like I'm already tired and not even happy to support local product, or information historically for that matter. History, especially the lore and legends, has always fascinated me like a moth into a candles light in my childhood days.
Yet, my memory as good as the misconceptions that of the goldfish (if it IS a misconception that goldfish's memories are short), is completely warped into just retaining only the ones that I need for my current life. See Sherlock BBC, and that episode about him forgetting that Science and the Sun being the center of our known living universe.

This desire must not leave me, that's why I'm writing it here and possibly making a chronicle of my progress, albeit planned only yet and slowly progressing in it. Me, seeing myself researching about how to use 'Baybayin' will be a big thing for me. Putting up an ambition and a goal set helps me a lot.

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