Thursday, August 27, 2015

theatre list: Into the Woods (1991 live on broadway)

Seriously. This Play is my comfort food, I just enjoy this show, especially the 1991 cast.

There is this unsatisfied craving of mine to roam the realm of Broadway or Theatre Plays, and just watch like a normal patron. Unfortunately I don't always have the means to satisfy that craving to watch shows in Broadway or Theatre Plays, besides the fact that its so rare to follow the schedule for such entertainment here in our country. It's also expensive. Of course I always forget to check the schedule of them theatre's, which is also a niggling negative factor to me cause of the distance in travel.

That in the end I always resort to searching online for a nice torrent copy of some recorded show, like this one I found from 1991. This is also the first version of the play I watched, besides the one that I remember. One of my elder cousins did back in her college days, she's part of the art crew and her boyfriend then was an actor of sorts in the story.

Just having the nostalgic factor, plus my fascination towards fantasy stories and the concept of children's stories from famous known ones crossover to each other is just fascinating. Basically I'm a fan of the concept and the story of this broadway production, however I really don't know much about the actors and actresses. They however did an amazing job, they're categorized as my all time favourite, despite knowing that there may be another performance with a greater cast or sorts. Preferences be.

Either way, this baby was remade into a movie at the end of 2014 that caught me so off guard that I spazzed in front of my boyfriend. He literally saw a tear go down my cheek. I mean, look at it, it's got two of my favourite hollywood actor and actress. Meryl Streep and Johnny Depp, yes I am a fan of the two, I just love both their personality off cam and the way they portray or act. Even if the story or the movie sucks, when they act somehow it gets well justified. In a sense.

Back to the Broadway version, the story itself is very fulfilling. For some it is damn boring and dull, trust me, a lot of people around me just doesn't get enough from all the semi action of the psychological and mental warfare of almost anything dramatic. The story itself has not much drama, as it seems to focus more on the essence of humour. There is a twinge of realistic "karma" concept in the story as we all know almost all fairy tales have a weird and idealistic happy ending. Unlike in the real world when you get what you want or you do what you want, usually some kind of bad karma is waiting around the corner, no matter how long it takes to come or how quick it just pops out of nowhere.

At a young age, and a tad buff into the realm of fantasy, I loved that the stories can portray elements that in my mind makes quite mental sense in a heightened psychological way. Even now I enjoy re-watching the whole Broadway version because of the rawness I see when the actors and actresses play on the stage.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

so far, so guilt

This is one of those moments that you shouldn't even be thinking.

For some time now I've only experienced almost 20% of the time from my circle of friends that they complain about their parents. How their mother or father is just the most intolerable person in their lives, sometimes. Yes, theres a sometimes, which often becomes a "most of the time" and ends up being an "always". I used to have qualms about this kind of thinking, complaining or ranting about their parents being complete douche's or something akin to that. And mind you I'm not saying I haven't gone to that part of life that my parents are just up to my necks patience and just gave me head aches for various reasons, but that was when I was younger.

Thing is, we're already in our, or past, mid-twenties already and majority of my friends are experiencing difficulties in getting along with their parents. True, we're already in the age where we should be living away from them so we could live our lives the way we wanted to be, but I'm not going to that point. No, actually, I'm guilty, of comparing my personality to my friends personalities in their situations and even comparing my parents to their parents shoes.

I know its not nice, but its an automatic for an insecure douche like me to think of that sometimes. Which ofcourse I end up guiltily thinking, maybe your mother should have me as her daughter so that they could experience true evil as their child. Or I don't deserve my parents who are too kind for my sake.

In fact the idea is a glorified selfish thought of me.

That's right. I think I'm worse than most of my friends, who in my head deserves to have parents with better characteristics of sorts.

But whats hard is, I can't complain to them about that. Or even say anything at all...

Life is unfair. And so is getting sick. And being a wimp for not recovering as quick as a wink.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

movie list: Fantastic 4 (2015)

This might be one of the not so great and not so bad movie I have watched for this year. You could say I'm not correct but honestly it's just my opinion of it. Plus I'm not a fan of the franchise, and making a quaint judgement for the whole production plus really is mixed.

First off let me introduce Fantastic 4, with little knowledge of what I knew of the whole universe from Marvel, its a group of people that garnered super powers from some meteorite somewhere because of science purposes (I don't know the whole story okay, you can go check this out: Wiki-article). And now because of this cosmic change in their DNA they gained powers and well they help man kind with whatever evils has befallen the unfortunate world of ours, in their universe that is.

Eventually I have come to shed light and simple words of comfort for the Fantastic Four franchise of 2015, at least my mother said she was good with the movie. Even I myself is shrugging at the so-so-ness of it, however its entirety as a movie in the SUPER category, the way it was produced. Could've done better. Even the flow of the story, its a good story starter, but it wasn't stable enough. In a sense its a let down, but its a good base. The base that was half baked and should've been produced better.

What happened? No, I don't really know. Some sources here tells me that the director had big plans but who knows. They say its FOX, you know like FOX channel and stuff, and the way they handled the whole thing. How uncreative they became in choosing their cast, and even their choices of staff (a.k.a director).

However the choices were poor and unexpectedly disappointing short of coming, the end result will still hold, that the movie was a big flop in an embarrassing sense. It would've been better if it was an obvious brunt on the face like M.Nights' Last Airbender. Now that one I agree didn't have a good directing. This movie, Fantastic Four, has a style, its just not for the story nor the franchise. The whole thing felt like a waste of time and talent.
